Publications Archive

This archive contains all documents published by cep over the last few years

  • cepAdhoc: Incisive comment on current EU policy issues
  • cepPolicyBrief: Concise reviews of EU proposals (Regulations, Directives, Green Papers, White Papers, Communications) – including an executive summary
  • cepInput: Impulse to current challenges of EU policies
  • cepStudy: Comprehensive examination of EU policy proposals affecting the economy



cepAdhoc: A Europe fit for the digital age: Von der Leyen’s tasks for the new EU Commission – Part 3 (cepAdhoc)

A cepAdhoc assesses the main tasks, regarding digitalisation, competition law and the internal market, which von der Leyen will be entrusting to her proposed Executive Vice-President Vestager and the Commissioners assigned to her in the area of Internal Market and (partly) Economy.



cepAdhoc: A European Green Deal: Von der Leyen’s tasks for the new EU Commission – Part 2 (cepAdhoc)

The cep evaluates in five cepAdhocs Ursula von der Leyen's central work assignments to the new EU commissioners. The second one deals with the topic "A European Green Deal", for which Frans Timmermans will be responsible as Executive Vice-President.



cepAdhoc: An economy that works for people: Von der Leyen’s tasks for the new EU Commission – Part 1 (cepAdhoc)

The cep evaluates in five cepAdhocs the central work orders from Ursula von der Leyen to the new EU commissioners. The first cepAdhoc deals with the topic "An economy that works for people", for which Valdis Dombrovskis will be responsible as Executive Vice-President.



cepPolicyBrief: Ethics Guidelines for AI (cepPolicyBrief to EU Communication)

The EU Commission wants to promote the development of "trustworthy" and "human-centric" artificial intelligence (AI) in the EU. Therefore, AI should - inter alia - comply with ethical principles. To ensure this, an independent "High-Level Expert Group" has developed non-binding "Ethics Guidelines" (guidelines) on behalf of the EU-Commission which should be followed by developers and users of AI across the EU.



cepInput: Coordination of Social Security Systems (cepInput)

There is a dispute in the EU regarding the reform of the rules on the coordination of social security systems. The reform includes the rules on unemployment benefits, which the cep evaluates in an input.



cepInput: EU and OECD Ethics Guidelines on Artificial Intelligence

This year, both the EU and the OECD have presented their own ethics guidelines for the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). A cepInput compares the two guidelines.



cepPolicyBrief: European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format

In the EU, a voluntary exchange format for electronic health records should facilitate cross-border healthcare. The EU Commission has drawn up a recommendation to this end.



cepInput: Gas Supply in the EU (cepInput)

EU gas supply rules have been comprehensively reformed over the last three years. The cep has assessed the reform in an input.



cepPolicyBrief: Combating Disinformation (cepPolicyBrief)

The EU wants to combat disinformation more effectively, particularly via the Internet. This is based on a joint communication from the European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.



cepAdhoc: What Role is left for National Authorities within the Single Supervisory Mechanism? (cepAdhoc)

On 30 July 2019, the German Federal Constitutional Court has decided whether the single supervisory mechanism (SSM) of the euro zone complies with the German constitution. The question of whether the ECB's banking supervision is covered by the European Treaties is especially relevant. In an Adhoc, the cep assesses a recent ruling of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on this issue.
