Publications Archive
This archive contains all documents published by cep over the last few years
- cepAdhoc: Incisive comment on current EU policy issues
- cepPolicyBrief: Concise reviews of EU proposals (Regulations, Directives, Green Papers, White Papers, Communications) – including an executive summary
- cepInput: Impulse to current challenges of EU policies
- cepStudy: Comprehensive examination of EU policy proposals affecting the economy
cepStudy: Towards Decarbonised Road Transport Driven by a Globally Competitive EU Automotive Industry
With flexibility overcoming the crisis of the automotive sector: the EU should allow for more technological openness and market-driven decarbonisation within CO2 emission standards to reconcile robust competitiveness and ambitious climate targets. This is the result of a study of the Centre for European Policy (cep) commissioned by the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA).
cepInput: The Road Towards a New Clean Industrial Deal
Whether green steel, bioplastics or alternative fuels: climate-friendly technologies require clear sales prospects. The Centre for European Policy (cep) sees great potential in green lead markets to make climate protection economically viable, but warns against too much state control.
cepPolicyBrief: Industrial Carbon Management

According to the Commission, the EU target of climate neutrality by 2050 will not be achieved by avoiding greenhouse gas emissions alone. The Commission therefore supports measures such as carbon capture and storage (CCS), carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) and the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. The Centre for European Policy (cep) considers these steps to be sensible.
cepInput: Mission Letters: Climate, Energy, Environment, Transport
Between 4 and 12 November, the Commission candidates will have to answer questions before the European Parliament. The touchstone will be the so-called Mission Letters, in which President Ursula von der Leyen assigns tasks and portfolios to the new Commissioners until 2029. The Centre for European Policy (cep) scrutinised the candidates, departments and EU initiatives, particularly with regard to the internal market and competition. The result: many things should have been more ambitious and structured.
cepPolicyBrief: Climate Risks and Climate Resilience

Floods, drought, crop failures: The European Commission warns that Europe is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world. The negative consequences of climate change are already being felt. To make the EU more climate-resilient, the Commission wants to clarify how adaptation measures can be implemented, who is responsible and who will ultimately bear the costs. The Centre for European Policy (cep) welcomes this approach.
cepInput: Future EU Climate Policy: Challenges and Chances
In order for climate protection to succeed, the Centre for European Policy (cep) believes that the EU must reduce greenhouse gases both more effectively and more cost-effectively in the future. The threat of production and emissions being shifted to third countries as a result of carbon leakage is damaging both the European economy and the global climate. The cep identifies effective instruments that should be at the top of the EU's 2024-2029 agenda.
cepInput: Paving the Way for a European Carbon Market (cepInput)
Wind, sun and hydrogen are seen as the keys to climate neutrality. Another one is often ignored: CO2 storage. In a new study, the Centre for European Policy calls for the development of an EU-wide pipeline and storage infrastructure for carbon capture and storage (CCS) - as well as the removal of regulatory barriers and the conclusion of Carbon-Contracts-for-Difference for young CCS technologies.
cepPolicyBrief: Weights and Dimensions of Commercial Vehicles (cepPolicyBrief)

Heavy goods vehicles cause more than 6% of all greenhouse gases in Europe – and the trend is rising. The Commission wants to reduce CO2 emissions by promoting zero-emission vehicles and more efficient road freight transport. The Centre for European Policy (cep) supports the proposal but calls for fair competitive conditions for rail and inland waterway transport.
cepInput: Climate Dividend (cepInput)
Pricing CO2 emissions is considered by economists to be the key to decarbonising the transport and building sectors. In order to mitigate social hardship, the Centre for European Policy is calling for a lump sum, income-independent climate dividend - co-financed by EU revenues from 2027. The judgement of the German Constitutional Court on the German Climate Transformation Fund makes this more necessary.
cepPolicyBrief: Trucks, vans, buses: cep rejects new CO2 limits as a mistake (cepPolicyBrief)

Berlin/Freiburg. Heavy duty vehicles are responsible for a significant share of CO2 emissions in the EU. For this reason, the Commission wants to set new CO2 limits for trucks, vans and buses. In view of other, more efficient instruments, the Centre for European Policy (cep) considers the Commission proposal to be one-sided, anti-technology and superfluous - and therefore rejects it.