Publications Archive

This archive contains all documents published by cep over the last few years

  • cepAdhoc: Incisive comment on current EU policy issues
  • cepPolicyBrief: Concise reviews of EU proposals (Regulations, Directives, Green Papers, White Papers, Communications) – including an executive summary
  • cepInput: Impulse to current challenges of EU policies
  • cepStudy: Comprehensive examination of EU policy proposals affecting the economy



cepInput: Reducing CO2 Emissions in Maritime Transport (cepInput)

For the first time, the EU wants to take measures to reduce CO2 emissions from maritime transport. This cepInput takes stock of the current climate policy situation at global and EU level and assesses the impact of possible measures.



cepInput: The Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy (cepInput)

The EU Commission intends to present a new strategy for sustainable financing in the coming months. In spring 2020, it had already held a consultation on the subject. On the basis of the consultation document, the Center for European Policy is examining the ideas that are likely to feed into the new strategy.



cepInput: State Aid to Mitigate the Economic Downturn Triggered by the COVID 19 Pandemic (cepInput)

A Temporary Framework published by the European Commission sets up the conditions that COVID-19-related state aid measures have to fulfil in order not to violate EU law. This cepInput assesses the impact on competition in the Single Market that the design of the state aid measures contained in the Temporary Framework will have.




cepInput: The EU's SURE Instrument (cepInput)

In order to provide financial support to Member States to help them cope with the economic consequences of the Corona pandemic, the EU has created the "SURE instrument". In concrete terms, SURE provides temporary support to reduce the risk of unemployment. A cepInput is investigating what to make of the subsidisation of corona-related national short-time work programmes.



cepInput: Joint Clinical Assessment of Health Technologies (cepInput)

The European Commission wants to introduce joint clinical assessments of medicinal products and medical devices at EU level. A cepInput continues the monitoring of the legislative procedure, for which a cepPolicyBrief has already been published in 2018. While the Commission Proposal is supported by Parliament, the Council is divided on this issue.



cepInput: A Green ECB Collateral Policy (cepInput)

The role of central banks is a recurring theme in the debate on sustainable finance. The European Central Bank (ECB) also wants to address sustainability in its strategic review. This cepInput makes a proposal on how the ECB can take sustainability into account in its collateral policy. 



cepPolicyBrief: EU Data Strategy - Part 2 (cepPolicyBrief to Communication (COM 2020) 66)

As part of its data strategy, the EU Commission wants to create European data spaces for various sectors, including the energy, health and financial sectors. It has announced its plans for this in a Communication.



cepInput: EU Climate Policy in Light of the Corona Crisis (cepInput)

The Corona crisis is a stress test for the climate policy of the EU and its member states. The cep has examined the various instruments for reducing CO2 emissions – prohibitions and bans, subsidies, CO2 tax, emissions trading – with regard to their "crisis resistance".



cepInput: EU legal framework for Cryptocurencies (cepInput)

The EU Commission wants to clarify the legal framework for cryptocurrencies. A cepInput provides an overview of the current state of regulation and examines whether and under which conditions cryptocurrencies are covered by the main provisions regulating the EU financial markets.



cepInput: Shortage of skilled medical staff (cepInput)

The EU Commission has published guidelines on the application of the Professional Qualifications Recognition Directive to address the shortage of doctors and nurses as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. A cepInput evaluates to what extent the guidelines can contribute to combat the increased shortage of skilled workers.
