Publications Archive

This archive contains all documents published by cep over the last few years

  • cepAdhoc: Incisive comment on current EU policy issues
  • cepPolicyBrief: Concise reviews of EU proposals (Regulations, Directives, Green Papers, White Papers, Communications) – including an executive summary
  • cepInput: Impulse to current challenges of EU policies
  • cepStudy: Comprehensive examination of EU policy proposals affecting the economy



cepStudy: Quo vadis, Europe? (cepStudy)

Climate disasters, lack of raw materials, insufficient digitalisation: Europe faces a difficult future. Its political influence, economic competitiveness and external security are under threat. While time is running out, Brussels is responding with bureaucratic regulation. The Centre for European Policy (cep) calls for a strategic and pragmatic industrial policy to avoid falling behind the US and China.

This publication is only available in German.



cepInput: Recycling of Raw Materials Requires the EU's Long-term Commitment (cepInput)

Access to rare metals is crucial for the success of the energy transition. Recycling of these metals represents the missing link in the European Green Deal - environmentally friendly and free of resource limitations. The Center for European Policy (cep) has examined the recycling potential of permanent magnets used in wind power and e-mobility. The result: obstacles still outweigh the benefits.



cepInput: The EU’s Desire for Sovereignty Lays it Open to Blackmail

Poland and Hungary are increasingly abusing the EU's unanimity principle to block decisions and enforce their own benefits. With attacks on the rule of law, they undermine European values and ultimately the sovereignty of the EU. There are hardly any remedies in sight. Ejection from the EU is just as difficult to implement as an "EU 2.0", as a study by the Centre for European Policy (cep) shows.



cepStudy: The ZF.2050 Zukunft Analyse: How future-oriented is the Bundestag?

Banks, the euro, coronavirus, Ukraine, inflation: multiple crises are keeping federal politics on tenterhooks. Shaping the future is often neglected. A study by the Centre for European Politics (cep) is the first to provide empirical evidence of what was previously only a vague feeling: future issues hardly play a role in the Bundestag.

This publication is only available in German.



cepInput: The Right Recipe for the Metaverse (cepInput)

Diagnosis, therapy, prevention: virtual worlds, known as metaverse, will revolutionise healthcare. The Commission plans to present an EU metaverse strategy in July. The Centre for European Policy (cep) sees huge opportunities for the health sector but insists on a binding seal of quality to protect personal data.



cepPolicyBrief: Prospectus and Market Abuse Rules (PolicyBrief)

The European Commission wants to give small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) better access to the capital markets, in part by reducing bureaucracy. The Centre for European Policy (cep) has assessed the proposal on the so-called Listing Act as largely positive.







cepPolicyBrief: Critical Raw Materials (cepPolicyBrief)

Cobalt, lithium, rare earths: When it comes to critical raw materials, Europe wants to reduce its dependence on supplier countries like China. The Centre for European Policy (cep) praises the Commission for wanting to improve security of supply. However, its current proposal is too bureaucratic and anti-business.



cepStudy: Volume 4: Regulatory and Financial Burdens of EU-legislation in four Member states – a comparative study

European family businesses suffer because of the consequences of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It causes unnecessary costs and creates confusion because the same rules do not apply everywhere in the EU. This is the result of an empirical study conducted by the Centres for European Policy Network (cep) and Prognos AG on behalf of the Stiftung Familienunternehmen.




cepPolicyBrief: Listing Act - Multiple-vote Shares (cepPolicyBrief COM(2022)761)

Google, Apple, Meta: The US, Asia and the EU are seeing an increase in so-called multiple-vote shares. These are supposed to make it more appealing for small family businesses, start-ups and founders to go public, and to protect them from the dangers of hostile takeovers. The EU wants to permit multiple-vote shares on a uniform basis, subject to certain conditions. The Centrum für Europäische Politik (cep) sees more advantages than disadvantages in this plan.



cepInput: Market Instruments for a Climate-neutral Industry (cepInput)

Revolution with risks: Rapidly decoupling Europe's energy-intensive economy from fossil resources without sacrificing industrial value added is technologically and regulatory tricky. The Centrum für Europäische Politik (cep) suggests Carbon Contracts for Differences (CCfDs) and green lead markets as appropriate regulatory tools. According to cep calculations, the costs of decarbonizing steel production via CCfDs alone amount to up to 12 billion euros per year across the EU.
