Use of Civil Drones (Communication)


Use of Civil Drones (Communication)

Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.

The European Commission wants to create the requirements necessary to allow the civilian use of drones ("RPAS") as from 2016. This requires EU-wide regulations on the manufacture and operation of RPAS which are capable of dealing with the potential risks, e.g. accidents and breaches of privacy. The RPAS sector will be subsidised so that the market "develops" more quickly. In particular, SMEs will be informed about the various means of support.



Uniform EU legislation on the operation of RPAS facilitates the cross-border use of RPAS, thus strengthening the internal market. It is doubtful whether purely providing information about the various forms of support will be sufficient to allow SMEs to participate in the competition for subsidies.

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Use of Civil Drones COM(2014) 207 (publ. 11.24.2014) PDF 128 KB Download
Use of Civil Drones COM(2014) 207