Strategy for Equality between Women and Men 2010–2015 (Communication)

Employment & Social Affairs

Strategy for Equality between Women and Men 2010–2015 (Communication)

Already in the “Women’s Charter“ of March 2010, the Commission announced to strengthen the gender perspective in all its policies. The current Communication substantiates the Commission’s announcement by describing the key areas for action and which measures it wishes to take. The Commission remains rather vague in its Communication, but has published a working document [SEC(2010) 1079] accompanying the Communication with a catalogue of 130 specific, non-legislative measures.



Gender equality is already reality in Member States which is reflected in their legal systems. Unequal treatment is usually rooted in the attitude of individual actors. Since laws are not an appropriate tool to change the personal mind, it is to be welcomed that the Commission largely dispenses with legislative measures. However, it must be criticised that the Commission ignores the fact that unequal treatment can have rational reasons. Further, it must be stated that the harmonisation of single criminal acts as demanded by the Commission, is not in line with the allocation of powers laid down in the TFEU. 

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Strategy for Equality between Women and Men 2010–2015