Security of the Gas Supply (Regulation)


Security of the Gas Supply (Regulation)

Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.

Disruption to the gas supply in the EU should be prevented by better regional coordination. To achieve this, Member States would, under plans put forward by the EU Commission, have to draw up binding risk assessments and develop preventive action and emergency plans, no longer nationally, but jointly with other countries in their region.



Mandatory regional preventive action and emergency plans are, in cep's view, unsuitable and disproportionate for effectively preventing or removing disruptions in supply. The proposed solidarity principle ensures that gas flows to Member States affected by an emergency will not be obstructed due to higher national supply standards in neighbouring Member States.

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Security of the Gas Supply COM(2016) 52 (publ. 05.17.2016) PDF 159 KB Download
Security of the Gas Supply COM(2016) 52
Proposal for a Regulation COM(2016) 52 (publ. 02.16.2016) PDF 340 KB Download