Security of Gas Supply (Regulation)


Security of Gas Supply (Regulation)

Prof. Dr. Jan S. Voßwinkel
Prof. Dr. Jan S. Voßwinkel

The proposed Regulation is to replace the existing Directive on the security of gas supply. The Proposal contains obligations of the Member States with respect to their infrastructure and the establishment of emergency plans. In times of crisis the Commission is to coordinate the gas supply.



On the one hand it is absolutely positive that all Member States are to be obliged to take a minimum amount of preventive actions. On the other hand, however, the Commission proposes to extend its powers, which infringes the principle of subsidiarity. Moreover, the allocation of costs is not regulated appropriately. Therefore, the Regulation should be withdrawn.

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Security of Gas Supply COM(2009) 363 (publ. 05.20.2014) PDF 81 KB Download
Security of Gas Supply COM(2009) 363