Reform Delivery Tool (Regulation)

Economic & Fiscal Policy

Reform Delivery Tool (Regulation)

As part of a Reform Support Programme, the Commission plans to make available around € 22 billion to EU Member States for structural reforms. For this purpose, the EU Commission has proposed a Regulation.



In cep’s view, this tool may facilitate the implementation of minor structural reforms previously considered necessary but too burdensome. However, at € 22 billion, the volume probably will not be enough to trigger major reforms. In order to limit the Commission’s discretion, all Member States or the Economic Policy Committee in the Council (EPC) should also be involved in the Commission’s assessments and decisions for granting the support.

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Reform Delivery Tool COM(2018) 391 (publ. 02.05.2019) PDF 183 KB Download
Reform Delivery Tool COM(2018) 391
Proposal for a Regulation COM(2018) 391 (publ. 05.31.2018)