Reduction of National Air Pollutants (Directive)


Reduction of National Air Pollutants (Directive)

Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.

The European Commission is proposing national ceilings on the emission of certain air pollutants for the period from 2020 and from 2030 and is extending these to other pollutants. The Member States must set up national "air pollution control programmes". These have to contain details of the proposed measures to reduce air pollutants. Intermediate emission levels to be achieved by 2025 will also be introduced.



Being an "essential provision", the catalogue of measures specifically for emissions of ammonia, fine particulate matter and black carbon, for the air pollution control programmes, cannot be amended by the Commission by way of delegated acts. Drastic emission reductions within a short space of time cannot be carried out at a reasonable cost. Intermediate emission targets for 2025 should also therefore be mandatory.

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Reduction of National Air Pollutants COM(2013) 920 (publ. 07.24.2014) PDF 94 KB Download
Reduction of National Air Pollutants COM(2013) 920
Proposal for a Directive COM(2013) 920 (publ. 07.24.2014) PDF 177 KB Download