Mission Letters: Migration

Employment & Social Affairs

Mission Letters: Migration

Prof. Dr. Andrea De Petris
Prof. Dr. Andrea De Petris

Between 4 and 12 November, the Commission candidates will have to answer questions before the European Parliament. The touchstone will be the so-called Mission Letters, in which President Ursula von der Leyen assigns tasks and portfolios to the new Commissioners until 2029. The Centre for European Policy (cep) scrutinised the candidates, departments and EU initiatives, particularly with regard to the internal market and competition. The result: many things should have been more ambitious and structured.


The EU's migration policy is based on the new Pact on Migration and Asylum, a set of new rules that will be implemented during the legislative period. The pact focuses primarily on combating illegal immigration and smugglers, strengthening the EU's external borders and a strict return policy for those who are not entitled to asylum in the EU. "The EU must be careful that some of its intended measures may not stand up in court," cep migration expert Andrea De Petris points out.

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Mission Letters: Migration