Marine Pollution from Plastic Products (Directive)


Marine Pollution from Plastic Products (Directive)

Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.

The EU wants to help reduce marine pollution caused by plastic products and packaging. For this purpose, the EU Commission has submitted the proposal for a Directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment. This would affect consumers, manufacturers and traders in single-use plastic products, the catering sector and fisheries.



In cep’s view, the ban on giving away free “take-away packaging” and single-use cups in the catering sector may be an effective means of reducing plastic waste. In addition, a deposit refund scheme could create the incentive to collect and return empty single-use drinks bottles. However, the planned ban on drinking straws and single-use cutlery massively reduces freedom of choice for the consumer and will deprive the affected companies of the basis of their business. It would also be in breach of the principle of proportionality.

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Marine Pollution from Plastic Products COM(2018) 340 (publ. 09.11.2018) PDF 295 KB Download
Marine Pollution from Plastic Products COM(2018) 340
Proposal for a Directive COM(2018) 340 (publ. 05.28.2018)