In Favour of a Legal Obligation to Use Contact Tracing Apps (cepInput)


In Favour of a Legal Obligation to Use Contact Tracing Apps (cepInput)

Despite various lockdowns, the number of COVID-19 infections in the EU remains very high. In order to break the chains of infections and to end the restrictions on the free movement of people, services and goods, the use of contact tracing apps should be made mandatory. The positive effects prevail over data protection concerns.


The widest possible use of contact tracing apps will make it easier to contain the pandemic. Yet, the current use of the apps is insufficient. Member States should be able to require their citizens to use contact tracing apps that do not collect personal data. It protects citizens and helps prevent other limitations on fundamental rights.


The positive effects on health, the economy and fundamental rights  outweigh the limitation on data protection and privacy. Art. 15 of the e-Privacy Directive prohibits a legal obligation to use contact tracing apps - even in times of a pandemic. The EU should quickly change this ("quick fix").

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In Favour of a Legal Obligation to Use Contact Tracing Apps (cepInput) (publ. 01.19.2021) PDF 650 KB Download
In Favour of a Legal Obligation to Use Contact Tracing Apps (cepInput)