Governance of the Energy Union (Regulation)


Governance of the Energy Union (Regulation)

Dr. Martin Menner
Dr. Martin Menner
Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.

The “governance mechanism” aims to enable coordination of the energy policy measures of the Member States and the EU, and tighten planning and reporting duties. The EU Commission’s proposed Regulation creates clarity and reduces excess red tape. However, its authorisation for the Commission to design a financing platform for renewable energy projects is contrary to EU law.



In cep’s view, setting binding EU targets, without further defining them by way of binding national targets, is both unrealistic and legally inconsistent. Quasi-binding “recommendations” from the Commission would, however, be contrary to EU law because essential provisions must be passed by the EU legislative. For the same reasons, the authorisation allowing the Commission to adopt the “necessary provisions for the establishment and functioning” of the financing platform for renewable energy projects, is contrary to EU law.

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Governance of the Energy Union COM(2016) 759 (publ. 07.11.2017) PDF 152 KB Download
Governance of the Energy Union COM(2016) 759
Proposal for a Regulation COM(2016) 759 (publ. 11.30.2016)