Establishing a European Labour Authority (Regulation)

Employment & Social Affairs

Establishing a European Labour Authority (Regulation)

The EU Commission wants to improve the application of EU law in the area of labour mobility. For this purpose, it proposes setting up a European Labour Authority. The Authority will facilitate access to information and services on labour mobility for citizens and companies and promote cooperation between national authorities.



In cep’s view, the planned authority may facilitate cooperation between all Member States and thereby improve the uniform application of EU law. It should be made clear, however, that the authority has no power to issue directives to national authorities. The seat of the authority should also be established by mutual agreement of the governments of the Member States.

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Establishing a European Labour Authority COM(2018) 131 (publ. 08.14.2018) PDF 296 KB Download
Establishing a European Labour Authority COM(2018) 131
Proposal for a Regulation COM(2018) 131 (publ. 03.13.2018)