Enforcing freedom of movement for workers (Directive)

Employment & Social Affairs

Enforcing freedom of movement for workers (Directive)

The right to the freedom of movement for workers is granted to all EU citizens by way of Article 45 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and the Regulation on the freedom of movement [VO (EU) No. 492/2011]. Nevertheless, many EU citizens consider themselves subject to obstacles when it comes to the exercise of this right. The Commission therefore wants to enhance enforcement of the freedom of movement for workers.



The proposal is an important addition to the Regulation on the freedom of movement because, although the latter grants extensive rights, it contains no provisions regarding their enforcement. Whether the proposed Directive is sufficient to overcome the existing obstacles must be in doubt, however, because the proposal still allows the Member States considerable scope for discretion. The proposed provisions should therefore be included directly into the Regulation.

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Enforcing Freedom of Movement for Workers COM(2013) 236 (publ. 06.05.2014) PDF 89 KB Download
Enforcing Freedom of Movement for Workers COM(2013) 236
Proposal for a Directive COM(2013) 236 (publ. 05.26.2014) PDF 246 KB Download