Digital Single Market (Part 3) (Regulation)

Information Technology

Digital Single Market (Part 3) (Regulation)

The EU Commission proposes an extensive overhaul of the digital single market rules. Part 3 of the cepPolicyBrief deals with the rules on roaming and cross-border connections within the EU.

Part 2 of the cepPolicyBrief deals with the notification requirement for telecomms providers, radio frequencies and virtual broadband access.

Part 1 of the cepPolicyBrief concerns net neutrality and the full harmonisation of the rights of end-users.



The aim of achieving the same retail prices for domestic and roaming services is uneconomic because it is unrealistic to assume that wholesale prices for roaming and domestic services are identical. The abolition of the retail charge for incoming roaming calls results in a redistribution in favour of network operators in countries with high termination charges and network operators in holiday countries. Price equality between domestic and foreign land-line calls is misguided.

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Digital Single Market - Part 3 COM(2013) 627 (publ. 04.24.2014) PDF 91 KB Download
Digital Single Market - Part 3 COM(2013) 627
Proposal for a Regulation COM(2013) 627 (publ. 04.28.2014) PDF 333 KB Download