Digital Single Market (Part 2) (Regulation)

Information Technology

Digital Single Market (Part 2) (Regulation)

The EU Commission proposes an extensive overhaul of the digital single market rules. Part 2 of the cepPolicyBrief deals with the notification requirement for telecomms providers, radio frequencies and virtual broadband access.

Part 1 of the cepPolicyBrief concerns net neutrality and the full harmonisation of the rights of end-users. The change to the Roaming Regulation and cross-border fixed-network connections within the EU will be considered in Part 3.



The single notification system for EU providers brings about a reduction – if small – in market entry barriers. The Commission's right to veto the regulatory decisions of national regulatory authorities, relating to EU providers, produces either absurd distortions of competition or a counter-productive standardisation of the regulatory conditions: The coordination of radio frequencies by the Commission increases efficiency. The Commission's plan whereby all existing wholesale products throughout Europe are to be replaced by a "European virtual broadband access product" is misplaced. The obligation to provide a connectivity product is premature.

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Digital Single Market (Part 2) COM(2013) 627 (publ. 04.02.2014) PDF 96 KB Download
Digital Single Market (Part 2) COM(2013) 627
Proposal for a Regulation COM(2013) 627 (publ. 04.25.2014) PDF 333 KB Download