Instrument for convergence and competitiveness (cepInput)

Economic & Fiscal Policy

Instrument for convergence and competitiveness (cepInput)

The budgetary instrument for convergence and competitiveness should provide that eurozone countries that implement structural reforms will receive money which must be use for investment by way of co-financing. A total annual volume of 2.4 billion euros is being discussed. The cep has evaluated the instrument in an input.


From the cep's point of view no eurozone country will carry out reforms which contradict its economic policy ideas simply to obtain money from the instrument, especially since the volume to be allocated to all countries is very small. The strong position of the Heads of State and Government of the eurozone countries, when it comes to the choice of reforms and investments that are eligible for support, is problematic. There is a danger that only those reforms and investments will be chosen that the eurozone countries would in any case carry out.

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cepStudie (publ. 01.28.2020) PDF 227 KB Download
Instrument for convergence and competitiveness (cepInput)