Cooperation between public employment services (Decision)

Employment & Social Affairs

Cooperation between public employment services (Decision)

The Commission wants to integrate the public employment services (PES) in the Member States into a formal network and improve their efficiency by way of a benchmarking system.



By formally integrating the employment services, recommendations from the network assume a high degree of validity, making implementation more likely. This improves the efficiency of the public employment services. The Commission’s power to set the criteria for benchmarking by way of delegated acts proves to be problematic. This is in breach of Art. 290 TFEU.

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Cooperation between Public Employment Services COM(2013) 430 (publ. 05.05.2014) PDF 89 KB Download
Cooperation between Public Employment Services COM(2013) 430
Proposal for a Decision COM(2013) 430 (publ. 05.05.2014) PDF 80 KB Download