Publications Archive

This archive contains all documents published by cep over the last few years

  • cepAdhoc: Incisive comment on current EU policy issues
  • cepPolicyBrief: Concise reviews of EU proposals (Regulations, Directives, Green Papers, White Papers, Communications) – including an executive summary
  • cepInput: Impulse to current challenges of EU policies
  • cepStudy: Comprehensive examination of EU policy proposals affecting the economy



cepPolicyBrief: A European Contribution towards full Employment (Communication)

In its Communication, the Commission proposes measures intended to contribute to more flexible labour markets, job creation, workers’ qualification and the improvement of working conditions.

The Commission’s considerations regarding employment policy are based on an EU headline target adopted under the strategy “Europe 2020” [COM(2010) 2020] whose aim it is to achieve an employment rate of 75% by 2020. In order to reach this target, the Commission is shifting its focus from a merely reactive to an anticipatory policy approach, as is already evident in the Single Market Act [COM(2010) 608] and the Flagship Initiative on the Innovation Union [COM(2010) 546], as well as an “Integrated Industrial Policy for the Globalisation Era“ [COM(2010 614)].



cepPolicyBrief: Trade Policy (Communication)

The Commission presents new trade policy measures in order to achieve the growth and employment targets of the Europe 2020 strategy. The Commission is especially keen on the increased opening of foreign markets for services, investments and public procurement. Moreover, the future EU trade policy is support “green growth” and “climate change objectives” in principle.



cepPolicyBrief: "eCall" Traffic Emergency Call System (Regulation)

In order to speed up the arrival of emergency services, in the event of an accident, by 40-50%, the European Commission wants to introduce an EU-wide, standard emergency system for road traffic ("eCall"). An eCall device inside the vehicle will allow an emergency call to be sent, either automatically in the case of a "severe accident" or manually by the occupants of the vehicle, via the mobile telephone network to an emergency response centre. The aim is to reduce the number of fatalities and severe injuries caused by road accidents.



cepPolicyBrief: Parental Leave (Directive)

In line with the roadmap for equality between women and men (2006-2010) [COM(2006) 92] the Commission has obliged itself to assess all rules on gender equality and the reconciliation of family life and work. Since the provisions on parental leave are based on a Framework Agreement, the Commission asked the social partners to revise it. The revised version of it is to be given legal effect now.



cepPolicyBrief: Remuneration of Directors (Recommendation)

With the latest Recommendation C(2009) 3177 of 30. April 2009 the Commission revises the already existing Recommendation 2004/913/EC and 2005/162/EC regulating the remuneration of directors of listed companies. While the existing Recommendations focus on the procedures and responsibilities when fixing the remuneration of directors the Commission now intervenes into the design of remuneration agreements. The Commission mainly wishes remuneration to be based on performances in the future and generates incentives to ensure the medium and long-term economic sustainability of companies. In particular, the Recommendation contains details on variable components of remuneration and termination payments.



cepPolicyBrief: Block Exemption Regulation for Specialisation Agreements (Regulation)

Specialisation agreements are horizontal agreements between undertakings on the specialisation requirements regarding the production of certain goods or the provision of services. With regard to specialisation agreements on intermediary products captively used for the production of downstream products the recast version of the Block Exemption Regulation requires a second market share threshold. Moreover, the Commission specifies the definition of “potential competition“ and clearly states that specialisations can be exempted even if a party chooses to cease production only “partly”.



cepPolicyBrief: Digital Agenda (Communication)

The “Digital Agenda” designates “key actions” which will facilitate “smarter work” and the establishment of the Digital Single Market. It aims at a sustainable economic and social use of the Digital Single Market, rooted in fast internet connections for EU-wide services.

The Commission names as “key performance targets” for 2015, amongst other things, that 50% of the population buy online, the removal of tariff differences between telephone calls at home and abroad (“roaming”) and an average price per minute of 13 cents (including roaming).



cepPolicyBrief: Credit rating agencies (Regulation)

Since 2009, the Rating-CR regulates the registration and supervision of credit rating agencies at an EU-wide level. National supervisory authorities are key to this procedure. Now, the Commission wishes to change this: In September 2009, the Commission proposed to establish the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) which is to be responsible for the supervision of credit rating agencies in future.



cepPolicyBrief: Energy Markets (Regulation)

The proposed Regulation (“REMIT“) is to reinforce the integrity and transparency of wholesale energy markets for gas and electricity. To this end, insider trading and market manipulation is to be prohibited. Moreover, the markets are to be monitored by the EU energy agency ACER and by the national regulatory authorities and market participants’ data be collected. In doing so, national regulatory authorities and ACER are to cooperate with each other.



cepPolicyBrief: First Annual Growth Survey (Communication)

The Commission’s first Annual Growth Survey marks the start of the first “European semester”. The “European semester” is an ex-ante policy coordination procedure between the 27 Member States. Consequently, the Survey contains recommendations for future economic policy and fiscal measures in Member States. The implementation of these measures is to support economic recovery as well as achieving the targets of the “Europe 2020” strategy.
