Vocational Education (Communication)

Employment & Social Affairs

Vocational Education (Communication)

According to the Commission, a solid vocational education is key to a smooth entry into the labour market. In addititon, the expected shortage of skilled professionals can be best tackled through a consistent vocational training based on a solid vocational education. Moreover, the cross-border mobility of employees can be improved if the comparability of national educational qualifications is ensured and if skills acquired abroad are equally recognised at home. In its Communication, the Commission clearly stresses the necessity to give “a new impetus” to the Copenhagen process which forms the basis of modernising the system of vocational education in Member States in order to establish future-oriented and sustainable vocational education and training systems.



The Commission is right in assuming that an improved comparability of educational qualifications in Europe will increase the cross-border mobility of learners and workers. However, this must not lead to mandatory requirements for stays abroad during vocational education and trainings. This would lead to higher costs for companies that offer training and, at the same time, would reduce their willingness to provide training.

Particularly alarming is the proposed dispensation of special vocational training courses during initial vocational education and training in favour of a “modularised” system. This threatens to undermine the dual system of education and training.

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Vocational Education COM(2010) 296 (publ. 07.29.2014) PDF 86 KB Download
Vocational Education COM(2010) 296