Type Approval of Motor Vehicles (Regulation)


Type Approval of Motor Vehicles (Regulation)

Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.

EU regulations on the type-approval of motor vehicles will be implemented more effectively and the market surveillance of motor vehicles already in service will be improved. For this purpose, the European Commission has proposed a Regulation. Nevertheless, it will give rise to additional costs both for consumers and manufacturers.



The planned compliance verification by the Commission may help to improve detection of infringements of the type-approval regulations EU wide. It is however necessary to ensure that application of the Regulation does not give rise to any inefficient duplication of structures (national - European).

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Type Approval of Motor Vehicles COM(2016) 31 (publ. 05.09.2016) PDF 127 KB Download
Type Approval of Motor Vehicles COM(2016) 31
Proposal for a Regulation COM(2016) 31 (publ. 01.27.2016) PDF 386 KB Download