Transport (White Paper)


Transport (White Paper)

Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Prof. Dr. Jan S. Voßwinkel
Prof. Dr. Jan S. Voßwinkel

With the White Paper, the Commission continues the transparent discussion, which was instigated by the Commission itself, on the future of transport. It describes the challenges to European transport policy, teh Commission’s vision for a competitive and sustainable transport system by 2050 and a strategy to implement it. The transport sector is to reduce at least 60% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 compared to emission levels in 1990.



Setting sector-specific CO2 reduction targets increases the costs of climate protection unnecessarily. Unfortunately, the Commission fails to propose the inclusion of all transport modes into EU ETS, for this would ensure a reduction.

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Transport COM(2011) 144 (publ. 06.30.2014) PDF 99 KB Download
Transport COM(2011) 144