Towards an Efficient Decarbonization of Heat Use


Towards an Efficient Decarbonization of Heat Use

Dr. André Wolf
Dr. André Wolf

Whether financing, renovation requirements or a lack of skilled workers: numerous barriers are slowing down Europe's transition to climate-friendly heating technologies such as heat pumps. The Centre for European Policy (cep) is calling for a market-oriented European action plan. The key point is cost reduction.


"An important prerequisite for the market launch of heat pumps is the removal of financing bottlenecks caused by high investment costs. However, public funding for switching heating systems must not be at the expense of energy-efficient renovation measures," says cep economist Andre Wolf, who has analysed the arguments in the heating debate.

In order to facilitate grid management, Wolf believes that Member States should create the legal conditions for flexible operation of heat pumps depending on the electricity supply. This requires not only economic incentives, but also the development of common technical standards to ensure interoperability.

"These framework conditions will help to overcome the current skills shortages and  accelerate innovation. This will mobilise market forces in this sector, which is so important for decarbonisation," emphasises Wolf.

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Towards an Efficient Decarbonization of Heat Use (publ. 10.22.2024) PDF 524 KB Download
Towards an Efficient Decarbonization of Heat Use