The Eco-innovation Action Plan (Communication)


The Eco-innovation Action Plan (Communication)

Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Prof. Dr. Jan S. Voßwinkel
Prof. Dr. Jan S. Voßwinkel

According to the Commission, there is not enough eco-innovation in the EU. Therefore, it wishes to speed up eco-innovation and to improve its marketing. To this end, the environmental legislation is to be revised and small and, in particular, medium-sized undertakings be subsidised.



The Commission's broad definition of the term “eco-innovation” conceals the possible key target conflicts of a responsible use of resources. It fails to explain both why it thinks eco-innovation is being marketed too slowly and why eco-innovation should be given more support than other forms of innovation (e.g. the health sector).

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The Eco-innovation Action Plan COM(2011) 899