Security of the Electricity Supply (Regulation)


Security of the Electricity Supply (Regulation)

Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.

The EU wants to oblige Member States to undertake closer regional cooperation in the avoidance and management of electricity crises. In cep’s view, this could avoid severe economic damage in Member States in the event of an electricity crisis. The duty to manage electricity crises primarily with measures which are compatible with the internal electricity market also facilitates efficient pricing on the wholesale electricity market.



cep’s energy experts also believe that where Member States have to receive compensation for assistance in managing electricity crises in other Member States, this will counteract free-riding. The Regulation should, however, clarify that the compensation must at least correspond to the costs incurred by the Member State.

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Security of the Electricity Supply COM(2016) 862 (publ. 08.22.2017) PDF 124 KB Download
Security of the Electricity Supply COM(2016) 862
Proposal for a Regulation COM(2016) 862 (publ. 11.30.2016)