Redesigning the Energy Market (Communication)


Redesigning the Energy Market (Communication)

Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.

In the context of increasing electricity generation based on renewable energy, the Commission puts forward its ideas for redesigning the European electricity markets. Thus support for renewable energy should follow a more market-based concept. The simple provision of reserve capacity will only be remunerated by way of capacity mechanisms in the exceptional case that electricity supply cannot be secured by the electricity market itself.



Whilst renewables development continues to receive state support, an accurately targeted and cost-effective EU climate protection policy will remain impeded. A support scheme based to a greater extent on competition and cost effectiveness may at least limit the continued rise in support costs in this regard. The Commission rightly stipulates that capacity mechanisms should only be introduced where securing an adequate level of electricity generation cannot be achieved simply by greater integration of the internal electricity market.

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Redesigning the Energy Market COM(2015) 340