Energy Performance of Buildings (Directive)


Energy Performance of Buildings (Directive)

Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.

The Proposal by the Commission serves to recast the Directive on the energy performance of buildings. In future, when undergoing major renovations all buildings will have to comply with national minimum requirements for the energy performance of buildings. Member States are to set minimum requirements as to ensure that the total costs for the investment, maintenance and operation (incl. energy costs) of a building are minimised during its life-cycle. In addition, the energy performance of a building must be stated in all advertisements for sale or rent and the energy performance certificate must be shown to all prospective buyers or tenants.



The energy performance certificate is a perfect tool to improve the energy performance and the information supply of buyers and tenants. However, the remaining regulatory measures emanate from planned economy notions. Integrating fossil fuels into the emissions trading scheme would constitute a more effective means to reach climate protection and energy saving targets.

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Energy Performance of Buildings COM(2008) 780 (publ. 08.26.2014) PDF 78 KB Download
Energy Performance of Buildings COM(2008) 780