Climate Protection Vision 2050 (Communication)


Climate Protection Vision 2050 (Communication)

Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.

The EU Commission has summarised its long-term climate policy targets in a Communication. Under the heading “A Clean Planet for all” it presents its vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate-neutral economy.



In cep’s view, developing a long-term EU strategy for the reduction of green-house gas emissions (“GHG emissions”) may increase planning certainty for companies. However, the EU should not commit itself to the target of a “climate-neutral economy” by 2050 without first being able to estimate what impact the necessary GHG reductions will have in the EU. The continued fragmentation of EU climate policy, in the Vision for the Climate 2050, prevents the most cost-effective GHG reductions.

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cepAnalyse (publ. 02.19.2019) PDF 198 KB Download
Climate Protection Vision 2050 COM(2018) 773