Climate and Energy Policy to 2030 (Green Paper)


Climate and Energy Policy to 2030 (Green Paper)

Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.

The European Commission argues in favour of an early agreement on Climate and Energy Policy to 2030. The discussion centres on the question of the number and definition of targets and how these can be achieved, efficiently and effectively, taking account of competitiveness and security of supply.



The Commission rightly argues in favour of an early agreement on Climate and Energy Policy to 2030 because companies need to have certainty about the political framework conditions in order to make investment decisions.

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Climate and Energy Policy to 2030 COM(2013) 169 (publ. 05.26.2014) PDF 117 KB Download
Climate and Energy Policy to 2030 COM(2013) 169