Auctioning of greenhouse gas emission allowances (Draft Regulation)


Auctioning of greenhouse gas emission allowances (Draft Regulation)

Prof. Dr. Jan S. Voßwinkel
Prof. Dr. Jan S. Voßwinkel
Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.

Since 2005 the framework of EU emission trading system (ETS) allows for certain stationary installations (e.g. for power and heat supply, for metal production and processing, for paper production and for the chemical industry) and, as of 2012, air traffic  may emit greenhouse gases only if the operators possess the according allowances. Pursuant to the ETS Directive as of 2012 Member States must auction all allowances for aviation and as of 2013 for stationary installations which are not allocated free of charge. The submitted Regulation Draft affects the timing, administration and other aspects of auctioning of these greenhouse gas emission allowances.



The Regulation should have been adopted already by 30 June 2010. Hence, the Commission is submitting its draft of 14 July much too late. The proposed Regulation does not ensure that from 2011 onwards enough allowances can be auctioned for the period as of 2013. An early publication of the auction calendar, the rules on the auctioning process and the joint auction monitor, principally lead to a transparent auctioning process. However, the cancellation of auctions due to the auction clearing price being „significantly“ under the price on the secondary market is to be objected as it serves profit making of Member States only.

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