10 Years of Redistribution between the EU Member States (cepStudy)

Economic & Fiscal Policy

10 Years of Redistribution between the EU Member States (cepStudy)

The Brexit and the negotiations on the future multiannual financial framework for the EU budget have led to intense discussions between Member States on the distribution of contributions. With this background, the cep has produced a comprehensive picture of the factors and the extent of redistribution between EU Member States.


Greece and Poland have profited the most from redistribution by the EU. In the ten years from 2008 to 2017, Germany bore by far the greatest burden with and overall amount of € 137.7 billion. This however only corresponds to an annual per capita amount of € 169. Per capita, therefore, Germany finds itself in third place. Sweden and the Netherlands bore a heavier annual per capita burden of € 178 and € 173 respectively. By contrast, the Greek budget was relieved of a total of 114.4 billion euros in the period under review (2008 - 2017). This amounts to € 1,049 per capita per year. Greece thus gained twice as much per capita as Lithuania which, with € 459, received the second largest amount of relief.

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10 Years of Redistribution between the EU Member States (cepStudy)