Digital Transformation of the Agricultural Value Chain – Opportunities, Challenges and the Role of Science

Martina Anzini is taking part in “Digital Transformation of the Agricultural  Value Chain – Opportunities, Challenges  and the Role of Science”, a conference under the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union, jointly organised by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the European Agricultural Research Initiative (EURAGRI).

Wednesday 2 December 4pm
You can participate via this link:

She will moderate the section “A governance framework for agricultural data” and deliver in that very section the following presentation: “Promoting Data Sharing in the EU: A Regulatory and Antitrust Perspective”. She will address the latest actions undertaken by the Commission to facilitate business data sharing within the EU, focussing on the recently proposed harmonised framework for data intermediaries. She will also illustrate the issues that the data intermediaries model may raise under EU competition law.